Monday, October 31, 2011

I Dare You To Walk The Ridge-Pole


If you have never seen "Anne of Green Gables" (I would suggest you watch it-- it's an amazing movie!  Then you'll be hooked and want to watch Anne of Avonlea.), then you wouldn't know that this is Anne walking the ridge-pole of Moody Spurgeon's kitchen roof, on a dare.  In a matter of seconds she finds herself on the ground with a twisted ankle.  She lost the dare and soon finds herself walking home, with her twisted ankle through the haunted woods with her bosom friend, Diana Barry.  You'll have to watch to rest to see what happens, but this scene popped into my head while building yesterday.   

This is our "ridge-pole" right after we installed it.  Doesn't it look lovely?  And, no I don't have any pictures of me walking it. 

Happy Halloween!